
Edifice Complex: Protecting Landmark Buildings as Intellectual Property— A Critique of Available Protections and a Proposal, The Trademark Reporter [Cited by 5] [News Items]

Portrait of a Gentleman, Early American Life

Speaker and Author, Practicing Law Institute, Advanced Trademark Law Seminar, Architecture & Trademarks, PLI Handbook, 111-130

International Legal Strategy (ILS) Legal Risk Management for Japanese Business Executives Volume VIII-2, Architecture & Trademarks February 1999

Co-author, When Marks Offend - A History of Scandalous Trademarks, National Law Journal, May 1999

Co-author, Three Dimensional Marks: The Borderline between Trademarks and Industrial Design, International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property, Yearbook 1999/1

Co-author, Domain Name Registration: Who Should Administer, New York Law Journal, December 2, 1996